A double chin is the most frustrating, stubborn type of fat: submental fat. Weight gain, aging, and even genetics can contribute to the development of chin fat. Despite healthy diets and regular exercise, many people still develop and keep fat under their chin.
While many are okay with keeping their double chin, some prefer to minimize its appearance (or remove it entirely). The good news is that procedures like Kybella offer hope. Kybella is a non-invasive FDA-approved treatment that reduces moderate to severe fat deposits underneath the chin to improve your facial profile.
Kybella Injections
Synthetic deoxycholic acid is the active ingredient in Kybella. The body naturally produces deoxycholic acid as a molecule that aids in absorbing dietary fat. Kybella destroys fat cells when injected under the chin, resulting in a noticeable reduction of fullness. These cells cannot accumulate fat when you reach your desired aesthetic goal, so further treatment is unnecessary.
To be effective, the caregiver administers Kybella injections in a series of up to 6 treatment sessions, and each session may involve up to 50 injections. It’s advisable to take a month off between each treatment session. After two to four sessions, many people can see a difference. Depending on your desired results, your doctor will determine how many injections and sessions you need.
Kybella Treatment
Kybella is a non-surgical injectable treatment that targets the fat behind the chin. The treatment involves injecting deoxycholic acid under the skin, destroying the walls of the fat cells. After the injections, your body’s blood and lymphatic system remove the waste from the cells.
Your body eliminates waste cells after metabolism, and through the swelling caused by Kybella, your skin tightens. Bile salt aids in fat digestion by producing deoxycholic acid in the body & Kybella is the synthetic version of the natural substance in your body.
Kybella is a good option if you have tried every diet, exercise or skin device that can target the fat under your chin without success. Since it doesn’t require surgery and has minimal before and after requirements, it is a less invasive alternative to double chin surgery.
Over 82 percent of people in a clinical trial reported significantly improved satisfaction with their appearance because of the trial. Trusted Source concluded Kybella was safe and effective in the same clinical trial.
Kybella’s non-surgical nature can cause pain, swelling, bruising, redness & numbness. In most cases, Kybella’s recovery process is minimal, and downtime can vary. Most minor side effects subside within a week or two.
Several severe side effects have occurred, including facial muscle weakness, uneven smiles, swallowing problems & nerve injury in the jaw. Alert your doctor if you have any post-treatment discomfort. Contact your healthcare provider if you experience any of these severe side effects.
Kybella: Who is an Ideal Candidate?
Most people find Kybella to be effective and safe. If you meet the following conditions, you may be a great candidate:
- Your age is 18 or older
- You have moderate amounts of chin fat
- Your health is good
- Surgical procedures don’t appeal to you
- Despite a diet and exercise regimen, you cannot get rid of chin fat
If you have keloids or are pregnant or breastfeeding, Kybella is not for you. Ask your doctor whether Kybella is suitable for you.
Kybella Swelling Day by Day
Deoxycholic acid destroys fat cells in the chin, which may cause inflammation in your skin. Your swelling will dwindle in the weeks to come. Here are some things you can expect.
The common side effects you experience are bruising and swelling at the injection site. But within a few weeks after treatment, you should no longer experience these side effects. Kybella swelling may peak after a few days but then go down naturally within a month, according to anecdotal reports.
Your doctor can guide you on ways to minimize the swelling caused by Kybella. Here are some suggestions:
- Applying cold packs or ice after your treatment
- Within the first few days after your injections, apply warm compresses
- Wearing a chin strap after treatment to increase compression
- Before your appointment, take an over-the-counter antihistamine
- Reduce swelling and pain after your treatment with over-the-counter pain medications
- You should firmly massage the area as tolerated
If you experience swelling after your Kybella treatment, hold off on more injections until your symptoms subside. After the recommended one-month interval between treatments, the swelling usually goes away on its own.
If, however, you experience swelling right before your subsequent scheduled treatment, contact your doctor.