Tips for Achieving Your Summer Body Goals
The Skin Cancer and Cosmetic Surgery Center of NJ (SCCSNJ)

Tips for Achieving Your Summer Body Goals

Achieve your summer body goals

Summer is almost here & if you are trying to look your best, we have some tips for achieving your summer body goals. SCCSNJ offers CoolSculpting, Botox, & cosmetic dermatology care to help you look your best. 

As summer approaches, you might not be feeling as confident as you would like to about your body as family functions, pool parties, beach trips, and BBQs start happening. You understandably want to look your very best.

If your feeling insecure about sagging skin and stubborn fat around your midsection, cosmetic surgery could help. If you’re considering cosmetic procedures to help get your summer body, it’s best to do your research and get booked before summer is in full swing. Cosmetic surgery undertaken at the SCCSNJ can have you feeling confident and beach-ready in no time at all. 

Cosmetic Dermatology

This specialized area of dermatology focuses on improving your complexion with a focus on the face and neck. Cosmetic dermatology consists of procedures undertaken for cosmetic purposes rather than designed to treat a specific medical condition. This makes it ideal for summer when you want to look youthful and clear-faced. Cosmetic dermatology can be used to treating the following:

  • Wrinkles
  • Fine lines
  • Premature aging
  • Scars
  • Skin pigmentation
  • Moles and other facial lesions

The procedure could involve any of the following: Botox, Dermal fillers, Microdermabrasion, Chemical peels, or laser hair removal. Your consultant will choose the combination required to help you achieve the skin you dream of.

Sometimes the Gym Isn’t Enough to Meet Your Summer Body Goals

No matter how hard you work to achieve your weight and fitness goals, problem areas can remain. If you are in shape and at a healthy weight but continue to struggle with how some areas of your body look, it might be time to consider CoolSculpting or CoolTone.

CoolSculpting is a Great Tool When it Comes to Achieving Your Summer Body

Coolsculpting, otherwise known as cryolipolysis, works by placing each roll of fat between two panels and cooling them to a freezing temperature. The process is known to reduce the fat layer by up to 25%. It’s most appropriate for those clients that have a small amount of excess fat they want to be removed after achieving the desired weight loss following a diet and exercise program. The most popular areas clients want to be treated include:

  • Sides
  • Thighs
  • Lower back
  • Stomach

Don’t Forget the Importance of Great Skin

Consider botox to prevent squint lines in summer which we all do on those bright sunny days! The treatment will help prevent the onset of deep lines and crows feet forming and delay the onset of wrinkles. Ultimately it will keep you looking youthful all summer long. The even better news, Botox requires no downtime before or afterward.  You can pop in, get it done and be on your way. 

The above are just some of the lesser invasive treatments available at SCCSNJ which support a quick recovery time while achieving good results. There are also effective but more invasive surgical procedures that do require a set recovery time. Some of the most popular are listed below. 

However you decide to achieve your summer body this year,  SCCSNJ is here to support your body goals and offer less invasive treatment than traditional cosmetic surgery. Get in touch to find out more.